Children's Rights...
Below are our articles on the subject of Children's Rights. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Children in Care
This article looks at what options are available when it comes to placing children in care....

The Law & Child Discipline
Should you or shouldn't you smack your child? This is a subject that has caused raging debates over the last few years. We look at the law and what other options are…...

The Rights of Children Under Employment Law
Find out what are the rights of children under employment law, including how many hours a week they can legally work and what is the minimum rates of pay for their age…...

The role of the NSPCC
The fundamental goal of the NSPCC is to help reduce - and eventually stamp out - cruelty to children in all its many forms....

Underage Sex: How to Protect Your Children
If you are worried about your child engaging in underage sex, find out what the law says and whether you can be prosecuted for 'turning a blind eye'....

What is a Parental Responsibility Agreement?
What is a Parental Responsibility Agreement and how does it affect unmarried or divorced couples and the raising of their children....