Explaining Parental Rights & Responsibilities...
The law provides many rights, responsibilities and protections for children - and parents can often find themselves confused as to what the state requires. LawAndParents offers a comprehensive information source for parents wishing to learn about their legal responsibilities and their rights in relation to their children.
October's Most Popular Articles...
Our Categories...
Behaviour: What is an Anti-Social Behaviour Order?, Acceptable Behaviour...
Case Studies
Case Studies: Dismissed from Work Due to Pregnancy: A Case Study, My Child Was...
Child Protection
Child Protection: What is a Custodianship Order?, Understanding Parental Respo...
Children & Money
Children & Money: Student Loans and University Tuition Fees: Know the Facts, Legal...
Children & The Law
Children & The Law: Employing a Child, Smacking Your Children, Dealing with Child Crime,...
Children's Rights
Children's Rights: The Rights of Children Under Employment Law, The role of the NSPCC,...
Education: Regulations On The Home Schooling Of Your Child, Steps That Schools...
Older Children
Older Children: UK Law and Child Marriages, Protecting Your Children When They Leave...
Parent's Rights
Parent's Rights: Paying Maintenance or Child Support, Contact Orders & How They...
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