Child Protection...
Below are our articles on the subject of Child Protection. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Child Abandonment and the Law
This article looks at what constitutes child abandonment and what action the law can take if a child is left alone by their parent....

Child Bullying and the Law
Bulling is cruel and hurtful, and schools deal with it in different ways. But when does it cross the line into criminal activity? Find out here....

Child Safety Orders
Child Safety Orders are issued to children 10 years of age and under whose behaviour is deemed anti-social. Find out how they are enforced....

Child Sex Offences
This article looks at child sex offences, what they are, and how to identify the signs that your child may have been victim to a child sex offender....

Cruelty to Children
This article looks at cruelty to children and how it can be identified and combated....

Keeping Your Child Safe on the Internet
These days, it is imperative that your child knows how to surf safely on the Internet. Follow these top tips to ensure your child's safety....

Understanding Parental Responsibility
This article looks at parental responsibility, and what you can do as a parent if you do not have responsibility for your child....

What is a Custodianship Order?
This article looks at Custodianship Orders and asks are they more favourable than adoption or is adoption the best course of action in the case of children who have no…...

What is a Disqualification Order?
This article looks at disqualification orders, why they are handed out, and what effect they can have on your job application....

What is a Supervision Period?
Understanding the conditions of a period of supervision as laid down by a magistrate in the case of a young offender....

What is the Child Sex Offenders Disclosure Scheme?
A new scheme, the Child Sex Offenders Disclosure Scheme, has been introduced to allow parents or guardians the opportunity to apply to the police for disclosure, where…...