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Contact Orders & How They Affect Parents

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 8 Aug 2020 | comments*Discuss
Contact Parents Family Children Contact

When a separated or divorced couple cannot agree on the amount of contact that the parent not living with the child should have with their offspring, a contact order can be obtained from the Family Court. This order normally stipulates the number of hours per week that the child can stay with the other parent, and often a set day or night.

Are Contact Orders Only Issued If The Parents Can’t Agree?

Usually this is the case but there are occasions when the children involved don’t think they are spending enough time with the other parent. It may also be necessary to implement a contact order if one parent is spending too much with a child or is not returning them to their home at the right times.

Do Contact Orders Cover Visits Only?

A contact order can be issued if the parent not living with the child feels that their visiting time is not long enough or not often enough. If this is the case, then the parent not living at home may ask that he or she be allowed to converse with their child by telephone perhaps once or twice a week to break up the periods between visits.

On What Grounds are Contact Orders Issued?

Contact orders are issued if there is no sign of agreement between two arguing parents. More often than not the child will find that they are being used as a weapon against the other parent, so the magistrate will issue a contact order to ensure that arguments over visiting rights are not part of the overall equation.

Can Contact Orders Be Changed or Cancelled?

Yes, they can but as with any order issued by a magistrate it must be changed or cancelled by them during a hearing at which both parents must satisfy his or her requirements. A contact order can be changed if both parents come to an agreement as to visiting and wish to make it official, or the order can be cancelled if there is a reconciliation between both parents. The magistrate will be interested primarily in the best interests of the child and will not make any snap decisions.

The magistrate may ask that a court liaison officer visit the family home to undertake an assessment, and also speak with the child (or children) involved to ascertain their feelings on the situation.

For more information, contact a solicitor who specialises in Family Law; you will find them listed in your local directories and also online.

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I need help. I'm. In Portugal and my ex partner is in UK I now she is smoking weed I don't now what to do. I don't have the means ou posecions to go to court. Can any o é help
Em1 - 8-Aug-20 @ 11:47 PM
Hiya tracy 83 ,I'm currently living in Scotland and and I managed to get my daughter support from a ex qualified social worker/ advocacy worker who works with children 16 years and under, my daughter can definitely speak for herself now and is full of confidence.
Vikki - 19-Feb-20 @ 7:30 PM
I have two children age 15 and 13 who live with dad in Scotland he obtained residency order through lies. My son came down for few weeks with infected toes which he says was left for 3 months. He could bearly walk. He has been telling me he needs to come home as all day r sat in a bedroom as can not speak to there dad or partner about anything.He said if he tells me anything he will be punished.What can I do? Social services would not listen to him but social services down here say the dad is controlling the situation. Hiw can I get my son to speak up for himself.
Tracey83 - 1-Jan-20 @ 4:04 PM
Dad have court order for children 3 days a week when that time court order dad told the court he can look after children full time also children going in narsury when time was court order. Now children starting school this year dad decided to arrange child minder to look afterchildren when children in his care and he saying he working every day. I have told him I Can take children to school and pick them up and change the working hours he is not willing to do that. Please advice me is father able to do this if mother willing to look after children. Not got for children taking from mum and keeping in care of child minder not even in his care please let me know what to do . Thanks K
K - 28-Aug-19 @ 11:50 PM
Dad have court order for children3 days a week whenthat time court order dad told the courthe canlook after children full time also children going in narsury when time was court order. Now children starting schooldad decidedto arrange child minder to look after when children in his careand he saying he working every day. I havetold him I Can takechildren to schoolandpick them up and change the working hours he is not willing to do that. Please advice me is father able to do this if mother willing to look after children. Not got for childrentaking from mum and keeping in care of child minder not even in his care please let me know what to do . Thanks K
K - 28-Aug-19 @ 11:45 PM
My ex and I have a court order where I have my daughter every other week from Thursday 5pm until Sunday 1pm. As my daughter goes to school and I live 70 miles from where she lives we started collecting her after school on the Friday and pick up times varied on the Sunday. My ex is now insisting that we stick to the timings on the court order and being very demanding and manipulative. I have said that if we are sticking to the court order then we need to stick to the days as well as the times; alternatively she needs to be flexible with the timing of pick up on the Sunday as I’m losing 24hrs of time with my daughter and we could amend the court order however she is point blank refusing. My question is if I arrange a tutor for the Fridays then am I allowed to pick up my daughter on the Thursday?
Dad needinghelp - 19-Aug-19 @ 8:45 PM
My ex husband and I had a verbal agreement for our two children this has changed over the years and recently has changed because I do not have enough time with them due to working in the week and they are at school. He has been having them at weekends I have offered time in the week to make up for this but at times he works away so this isn’t an option for him. He has now said he’s taking me to court, will he get granted weekends because he works away ? We are not amicable at all, it’s become very bad between us. I am worried I won’t get any weekends with my children. He has a drink driving conviction, also has two other children that he doesn’t see or pay for will this be taken into consideration? He also isn’t regular with maintenance, he has arrears to pay me through the child maintenance service and also arrears to pay another mother of another child he doesn’t see. Will any of this affect the courts decision? He wants to have the children two nights per week and two days but only on weekends, they attend full time school and I work so there is no quality time in the week with them will this be taken into consideration?
Pippop7 - 17-May-19 @ 11:42 PM
Hi, My seven-year daughter is subject to a care order but is living with my ex (her dad) after a child arrangements given at same time as care order in mid-2017. I have supervised contact every two weeks for three hours, my daughters from a previous marriage (daughter's stepsisters) have contact one a month, their contact is in the community for two hours, mine is restricted to a contact centre. Contact has been going very well for over two years, there was an interim care order with supervised contact leading up to the final hearing. My daughters and I are desperate to progress contact but the social worker is adamant this won't happen any time soon, he has used false claims of us breaching the contact rules to support his position on this. We have proven him wrong several times. One example is he stopped contact on an allegation from the father without even reading the contact notes which exonerated us. We strongly suspect that father interrogates his daughter after contact to obtain information to twist and use against us. We dare not say this to the social worker as he accuses us of making "unfounded allegations" and this will undermine my daughter's placement. We are in stage two of a complaint procedure and we will follow through to the ombudsman if needed. Is there anything more we can consider? We strongly feel we have been marginalised, there are many other reasons for this that will make a long posting even longer. Any suggestions are welcome.
Sonu - 16-Feb-19 @ 9:35 PM
Emsebob13 - Your Question:
Hi. I have a residence order for my 2 children aged 8 and 5 which states that they live with me and see my ex every weds and every other sat/sun. I have booked a weeks holiday in the uk and due to go in 1 week. I offered my ex alternative dates plus some extra ones during the school holidays to make up for the days that she will lose with them due to our holiday. She will lose 2 days and I offered her 6. She declined these and instead just get harassing me by text stating that it’s in the best interests of the children to see her 50:50. I couldn’t agree to this. She has now waited till a week before we leave to continue with the constant messaging about me breaching the order and going against what the children want. She is accusing me of not putting the children first during the holidays as I have booked them into a few activity based holiday clubs (as I work full time) which they have enjoyed and organised days with their grandparents/ auntie and cousins. She believes that it is in the best interests fir them to be with her over any activities or spending time with other family members (she hasn’t worked for the last 5 years). She keeps saying I am breaching the order by going on holiday and sending me links suggesting I could be fined or sent to prison. Surely I am allowed a weeks holiday in the uk even if she doesn’t agree? I have tried to offer her alternative dates? Please help!

Our Response:
Keep all the messages that you've exchanged offering the mother extra days in exchange for the two she's missing. Most child arrangements orders will have clauses relating to school holidays anyway...and it's not usually a breach of order to go on holiday with the children. As for putting the children into activity clubs, while the children are in either parent's care, it's that parent that is responsible for the children at the time, i.e the other parent only has a right to know about important decisions that might arise (such as a medical emergency). If you feel it might benefit the children to give them extra time with the mother during the long summer holidays you can have this specifically documented in a variation of the exisitng court order.
LawAndParents - 1-Aug-18 @ 11:48 AM
Hi. I have a residence order for my 2 children aged 8 and 5 which states that they live with me and see my ex every weds and every other sat/sun. I have booked a weeks holiday in the uk and due to go in 1 week. I offered my ex alternative dates plus some extra ones during the school holidays to make up for the days that she will lose with them due to our holiday. She will lose 2 days and I offered her 6. She declined these and instead just get harassing me by text stating that it’s in the best interests of the children to see her 50:50. I couldn’t agree to this. She has now waited till a week before we leave to continue with the constant messaging about me breaching the order and going against what the children want. She is accusing me of not putting the children first during the holidays as I have booked them into a few activity based holiday clubs (as I work full time) which they have enjoyed and organised days with their grandparents/ auntie and cousins. She believes that it is in the best interests fir them to be with her over any activities or spending time with other family members (she hasn’t worked for the last 5 years). She keeps saying I am breaching the order by going on holiday and sending me links suggesting I could be fined or sent to prison. Surely I am allowed a weeks holiday in the uk even if she doesn’t agree? I have tried to offer her alternative dates? Please help!
Emsebob13 - 31-Jul-18 @ 7:11 AM
I have a court order in place for my son he see his dad through the order he is due to go to his dads but unfortunately my sons surgery date has come throughfor the same time as he was going am I legally aloud to cancel contact that week thank you x
Winner - 25-Jul-18 @ 5:10 PM
Lsf93 - Your Question:
I have a 4 month old daughter father has been in and out of her life so doesn’t really know her had my first meeting at the courts (he applied) today and basically the Cafcass officer said he should pretty much get shared care straight away she doesn’t even know him and is still very young I know how upset she will be this is breaking my heart!! I also made a temporary agreement before the final hearing beside I felt intimidated but I’m not happy with it do I have to go ahead with it or can I change my mind as 3 half days a weeks seems too much when he’s a stranger to her and she gets so upset when away from me :(

Our Response:
3 half days per week doesn't sound like shared care but is probably a reasonable length of time for a baby to start to bond with her father, this can be increased in the future but anything less might be worse for your child in terms of bonding.
LawAndParents - 25-Jul-18 @ 3:34 PM
I have a 4 month old daughter father has been in and out of her life so doesn’t really know her had my first meeting at the courts (he applied) today and basically the Cafcass officer said he should pretty much get shared care straight away she doesn’t even know him and is still very young I know how upset she will be this is breaking my heart!! I also made a temporary agreement before the final hearing beside I felt intimidated but I’m not happy with it do I have to go ahead with it or can I change my mind as 3 half days a weeks seems too much when he’s a stranger to her and she gets so upset when away from me :(
Lsf93 - 25-Jul-18 @ 12:20 AM
I live with a man who does not speak to me or the children, there's no eye contact, slams the door when he comes in, when i speak he's argumentive and swears, he has been saying nasty things about me to my daughter and telling lies, and hurtful things to daughter, I have had a fist in my face at Christmas after he madefalse lies and nasty remarks to daughter, for 6 months I do not speak to him in case there's a sudden anger flare, I am not married been with him too long, kids are 13 and 9, I am treated like I don't exist hes nasty about his parents too, though I think he makes me out like I am a horrible person because he doesn't visit them. Regarding a prohibition steps order because I don't want him taking kids out of area as he comes from Scotland and I live in England and to stop kids being taken to certain toxic persons, how do I stand, I want to leave but custody stops me because he slags me off and tells lies, he's a cruel man mentally I feel like I am trapped. Help
Beth - 24-Jun-18 @ 6:50 AM
Frustrated mum - Your Question:
My son is 13 years old. He decided to stop going to his dad's back in Jan 2018 due to circumstances.I have a court contact order dated October 2008, when my son was 3 years old,which is therefore not being adhered to anymore.My child maintenance is being calculated as shared care because of this old contact order even though my son is no longer going and I therefore have him full time. How do I dispute this and can the contact order be cancelled? It's now only being used with regard to child maintenance payments and nothing more.

Our Response:
You can go back to the courts to have the child arrangements order amended.
LawAndParents - 1-Jun-18 @ 3:27 PM
My son is 13 years old. He decided to stop going to his dad's back in Jan 2018 due to circumstances. I have a court contact order dated October 2008, when my son was 3 years old,which is therefore not being adhered to anymore. My child maintenance is being calculated as shared care because of this old contact order even though my son is no longer going and I therefore have him full time. How do I dispute this and can the contact order be cancelled? It's now only being used with regard to child maintenance payments and nothing more...
Frustrated mum - 31-May-18 @ 1:17 PM
Hi ther I have had my girls for about 3 months now we have attended court and the local authority have concerns about ther mam the section 7 report is due this month the school police and social have concerns from the housing issues dog excrement all over hand prints of kids on walls of this she has currently supervised cot act in a centre but the social is going for unsupervised but my concerns are ther said ther needed to spot check her which ther have not ther have made appointments that ther have let her cancel and have finally got in and found two broken windows what was a concern in her last home but the social worker doesn't seem concerned about this and said ther are ok with Un supervised contact now ther are rumours in the air that despite everyone's worries ther mam is going to refuse to return them wen the unsupervised contact takes place she has already sent my youngest to school to say I was hurting her I'm really scared of them just not getting returned wer do I stand as the judge left it to the local authoritys descression but ther are not doing what there said ther wud wer do I stand if ther mam doesn't return them before the section 7 goes in
Stecraigs - 29-May-18 @ 5:36 PM
Hi. Me and my partner split up when my baby was around about 2 months old she is now 3 months old, since she was born I have done everything on my own without no help from him. He works 7 days a week and till 7 of a night he wants me to drop the baby off after 7 at night so he can see her for an hour which I have told him no, if he wants to see his daughter that late he has to come to her and can get her ready for bed but he won’t. He is saying am stopping him seeing his child and that he’s going to take me to court. He’s never been left alone to mind the baby only with my mum or his mum in the house with him therefore am worried about him minding her on his own as she’s so young and he’s never been a hands on Dad. His mum is also wanting me to drop the baby off with her for a full day which I am nervous about as she’s has nothing for the baby at her house. She came to see the baby last week for the first time in 3 weeks she stayed 25 minutes as the baby just cried the whole time. I just wanted to know were I stand has she’s still only a tiny baby and don’t feel comfortable leaving her with them and no ones made an effort other than his Mum just the once, every other time I’ve taken her to see them and they just expect me to drop everything to suit them. Please can you give me some advise.
Laura - 28-Apr-18 @ 2:50 PM
Dawn - Your Question:
I have a contact order on my granddaughter she has just turned 8years old last see her mum when she was 13 months old went court last week as mum now want to see her in court she openly admitted to smoking cannabis and was rocking back and forth on her chair had a bit of attitude in court.judge has ordered a section 7 to be done by cafcass.I'm worried that a contact order will be granted in a contact centre.As I fill it's not in my granddaughter best interests as mother's still smoking cannabis still not dealt with her anger issues any advice as due back in June.

Our Response:
The section 7 report will investigate all the circumstances and the judge will usually decide based on information gathered in the report.
LawAndParents - 9-Apr-18 @ 11:08 AM
I have a contact order on my granddaughter she has just turned 8years old last see her mum when she was 13 months old went court last week as mum now want to see her in court she openly admitted to smoking cannabis and was rocking back and forth on her chair had a bit of attitude in court.judge has ordered a section 7 to be done by cafcass. I'm worried that a contact order will be granted in a contact centre. As I fill it's not in my granddaughter best interests as mother's still smoking cannabis still not dealt with her anger issues any advice as due back in June.
Dawn - 6-Apr-18 @ 5:20 PM
My almost 13 year old daughter decided 1 year ago that she wanted no contact with her father (I have never stopped her or voiced my feelings to her!) He took me to court last week and it was adjourned. The cafcass report came back with him stating that I have Münchhausen by Proxy. Therefore a safeguarding sicial worker has interviewed my daughter and myself and will attend court when we return nwxt month. I am wondering what preperations I need to make in order to get the outcome myself and my daughter want.
Mama - 29-Mar-18 @ 11:47 AM
I have a 3 year old and and have been separated from the father for 3 years since October 2017 the father took me to court for a contact arrangment order the order was made but since then he has changed the order about 3-4 times and threatening to take me back to court he is now wanting to take our 3 year old away abroad but because I have told him I want to think about it he has told me I have a week to decide or he taking me to court the father has never been on holiday himself and he only sees our child 1 night a week because he wanted to change the order also my child lives with me on a day to day basis and even when at her dad's she get upset when I'm not there and I'm affaid if he does take her away longer than normal and she can't come home because she is abroad? What can I do?
PB - 17-Mar-18 @ 6:16 PM
Desperate mum - Your Question:
I have just separated from a psychologically abusive husband who has been physically rough as well. We have a 3 year old together. He is a bully and manipulative person who has shouted to our son as well, and our son saw him being violent towards me.He is pushing for 50:50 shared parenting agreement but I am afraid of my son mental health now that they will be on their own. It will be so unsettling to live in two different places. In the past, Every time ex was to take care of our son for over 3hs he would demand a babysitter. I am also afraid he will eventually move to Spain and apply to take my son with him. I don’t think mediation is appropriate as he is manipulative and I am afraid of him. This I thought of asking sole custody with plenty of contact. Please help on what could the court regard of me being reasonable in this situation.

Our Response:
We can't tell you what the courts will decide. They will investigate all the facts and make the decision they feel is in the best interests of your son.
LawAndParents - 28-Feb-18 @ 12:45 PM
I have just separated from a psychologically abusive husband who has been physically rough as well. We have a 3 year old together. He is a bully and manipulative person who has shouted to our son as well, and our son saw him being violent towards me. He is pushing for 50:50 shared parenting agreement but I am afraid of my son mental health now that they will be on their own. It will be so unsettling to live in two different places. In the past, Every time ex was to take care of our son for over 3hs he would demand a babysitter. I am also afraid he will eventually move to Spain and apply to take my son with him. I don’t think mediation is appropriate as he is manipulative and I am afraid of him. This I thought of asking sole custody with plenty of contact. Please help on what could the court regard of me being reasonable in this situation.
Desperate mum - 27-Feb-18 @ 5:07 AM
I have been with my partner for 3.5 years. I have a 9 year old son, we have an 18 month old daughter, and I am also in my early stages of pregnancy. My partner has always smoked weed, but it was only approximately 1 year in to our relationship that I realised how bad it was. When we moved in together I realised he was spending around £600 per month on it. When I fell pregnant also 1 year in to the relationship (October 2015) he said he was going to completely give up smoking. Of course, I was worried about this as I knew there could be withdrawal symptoms. Anyhow, come 1st January, he completely stopped as his resolution. He never touched weed again... until end of the last year (Dec 2017). He just outright said he’s started smoking again and it’s his choice whether I like it or not. I have just found out I am pregnant again with my dates showing I got caught in November, so prior to his change of heart. Having been through the stage of him smoking, and also the stage of him being completely clean I am extremely devastated. Watching the effect and the changes the weed has on him now is heartbreaking. I am not prepared to have him around our children whilst he continues to smoke it, and would like some advice on where I can go from here, and also what my rights are?
Jade0x0x - 21-Jan-18 @ 9:37 PM
I have been with my partner for 3.5 years. I have a 9 year old son, we have an 18 month old daughter, and I am also in my early stages of pregnancy. My partner has always smoked weed, but it was only approximately 1 year in to our relationship that I realised how bad it was. When we moved in together I realised he was spending around £600 per month on it. When I fell pregnant also 1 year in to the relationship (October 2015) he said he was going to completely give up smoking. Of course, I was worried about this as I knew there could be withdrawal symptoms. Anyhow, come 1st January, he completely stopped as his resolution. He never touched weed again... until end of the last year (Dec 2017). He just outright said he’s started smoking again and it’s his choice whether I like it or not. I have just found out I am pregnant again with my dates showing I got caught in November, so prior to his change of heart. Having been through the stage of him smoking, and also the stage of him being completely clean I am extremely devastated. Watching the effect and the changes the weed has on him now is heartbreaking. I am not prepared to have him around our children whilst he continues to smoke it, and would like some advice on where I can go from here, and also what my rights are?
Jade0x0x - 21-Jan-18 @ 8:28 PM
Manda - Your Question:
My husband and his ex wife split up in may 2011 after he found put she was having an affair. After a lot of arguing he was allowed to pick his children up every other weekend (he worked the other weekends) this continued on and off when his ex allowed it for a couple of years. Me and my husband met at the end of 2011 and began a relationship. I didn't meet his children until we had been together for over 6 months. We made sure to introduce them to our home very slowly and his ex used to allow them to come and spend weekends at our house. This continued for around a year. We have been married for 4 years now. The children were not allowed to come to our wedding and my husband has never been allowed to have them over birthdays and Christmas times even if it fell on his weekends. A round 2 years ago his ex decided she no longer wanted the children around me and she stopped them sleeping over (they had their own bedroom, clothes, toys and anything they needed at our hosue) she has stated she doesn't want my husband seeing them if I am here. She has caused a lot of problems and my husband no longer sees his girls. His parents see his children when she allows but they are not allowed to talk about my husband and they cannot tell my husband when they are meeting up or she will stop visitation with them. We have asked her to attend mediation so we can talk and come to an agreement that suits the children but she has refused. Can she dictate that I am not to see the children anymore? What can we do to arrange visitation again as we both miss them terribly. She still lives with the gent she had an affair with and my husband has no problem with that, he has even shook his hand and said thank you for looking after his kids. We are trying to be amicable for the sake of the children but she doesn't seem to want to come to any agreements. Please help!

Our Response:
The children have every right to see their father and the mother should not try and prevent this. If she refuses mediation, a court order may be the only other option. The courts will not see your presence as an obstacle to contact.
LawAndParents - 6-Nov-17 @ 10:18 AM
My husband and his ex wife split up in may 2011 after he found put she was having an affair. After a lot of arguing he was allowed to pick his children up every other weekend (he worked the other weekends) this continued on and off when his ex allowed it for a couple of years. Me and my husband met at the end of 2011 and began a relationship. I didn't meet his children until we had been together for over 6 months. We made sure to introduce them to our home very slowly and his ex used to allow them to come and spend weekends at our house. This continued for around a year. We have been married for 4 years now. The children were not allowed to come to our wedding and my husband has never been allowed to have them over birthdays and Christmas times even if it fell on his weekends. A round 2 years ago his ex decided she no longer wanted the children around me and she stopped them sleeping over (they had their own bedroom, clothes, toys and anything they needed at our hosue) she has stated she doesn't want my husband seeing them if I am here. She has caused a lot of problems and my husband no longer sees his girls. His parents see his children when she allows but they are not allowed to talk about my husband and they cannot tell my husband when they are meeting up or she will stop visitation with them. We have asked her to attend mediation so we can talk and come to an agreement that suits the children but she has refused. Can she dictate that I am not to see the children anymore? What can we do to arrange visitation again as we both miss them terribly. She still lives with the gent she had an affair with and my husband has no problem with that, he has even shook his hand and said thank you for looking after his kids. We are trying to be amicable for the sake of the children but she doesn't seem to want to come to any agreements. Please help!
Manda - 3-Nov-17 @ 4:37 PM
I discovered that my wife was having an affair recently, I left for work and called her for her to tell me the truth but she didn't, I eventually called again and he answered the phone he threatened my best me up in front of my kids, I returned home immediately and was assaulted by him, my ex and him lied to the police and had me arrested but there was no further action on the police's part... however she is seeing this man that assaulted me who is a drug user, and has my boys near him... I don't want to take my boys away from her, but I want to make sure they are never around him for fear of their safety... what can i do please help I'm desperate
destroyedfather - 22-Oct-17 @ 11:06 AM
char - Your Question:
Hi a bit I history ex and I were together for 4 years I have a 5 yr old from previous relationship and we have a 8 month old my ex also has 2 children who are in care taken for abuse and drug problems we broke up when baby was 2 months I left with kids while he was sleeping as I wasn't allowed out with both kids. Ex was very controlling and abusive he hasn't hit us but he would scream at us and throw stuff at us and has attempted to burn the house down while we are in it. He would threaten and call my eldest names while sreaming in his face the only way to try and stop was to make it about me so then when he went to smash the house up I could get my son into his room and tell him he can't make any noise so I could go downstairs and take the punishment. We lived in a glass box where noise was not allowed so no talking tv playing ect I couldn't always get in the way no matter how hard I treid and my ex would threaten to kill all of us and it would be a very scary few days where I truly believed he would and my child was terrified.I wasn't allowed to speak to people people were not allowed in the house when our baby was born I wasn't allowed to stay in hospital even though baby wasn't attaching I had to lie to the mw so my ex could smoke weed at home once home he started screaming at my eldest again.Now we are going through a child arrangement order he has baby one afternoon a week and half day Sunday I have pushed for no over night an for contact to be supervised by his mum even though I don't trust his mum to be able to protect baby and stand up to her son I am currently waiting for social services to do a assessment on the contact arrangements to see if it should be longer include nights and if supervision is neccarsary.I am so worried that no one is taking me seriously Am I wrong to think that baby will not benefit or be safe having contact.I am stressed with what I have put my children through Will I have to agree to nights and unsupervised contact if it is what the social worker says or can I say no our baby will not be safe

Our Response:
Make sure social services are aware of everything your ex has done in the past. It's your children's safety and state of mind that is important here, so if you have any doubts, make sure you are 100% certain that social services and the courts (if a child arrangements order is sought) are aware of the father's behaviour. You could try insisting on supervised contact by someone other than your ex's mother if you feel she cannot protect your children. Family Lives or NSPCC are good places to get additional/individual advice.
LawAndParents - 19-Sep-17 @ 12:07 PM
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