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School Exclusions and the Law

By: Lorna Elliott LLB (hons), Barrister - Updated: 23 Jan 2024 |
School Exclusion Appeal Days Fixed Term

If your child has been excluded from school, you are likely to have numerous questions about where this leaves the future of your child’s education. School exclusions are divided into two types, fixed-term exclusions and permanent exclusions. While permanent exclusions mean that your child is removed from the school roll, a fixed-term exclusion is for a limited period. Only a head teacher, acting head teacher or teacher in charge of a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) can exclude a child.

Fixed-Term Exclusions

These types of exclusions cannot be open-ended. The child should know exactly how long he or she has been excluded from school and when he or she will be allowed to return. The maximum amount of time for which a child can be excluded is 45 days in any single school year. It is also possible to exclude a child at lunch time, which counts for a half day in England and quarter of a day in Wales. The independent watchdog Ofsted has stated that a fixed-term exclusion of between one and three days is usually long enough to demonstrate the consequences of the child’s behaviour without affecting his or her development and education.

Fixed-term exclusions should only be used where a child has seriously breached a school’s behaviour policy and the breach is not serious enough for a permanent exclusion, and other sanctions such as detention are not appropriate. A pupil can appeal a fixed term exclusion decision through the school’s governing body.

Permanent Exclusions

Permanent exclusions should be used as a last resort, and if all other processes and means of trying to improve the child’s behaviour have failed. There should be a structured process prior to the exclusion, that should endeavour to address the child’s behaviour before any such decision permanently to exclude is made. Each school must have a policy on exclusion, and staff must be trained and procedures implemented to encourage the good behaviour of school children.

If your child is permanently excluded, you can appeal within a set time limit. Failure to lodge an appeal within the specified time may mean that your child’s exclusion is permanent. Of course, any appeal may not be successful but if your child has been excluded it is worth seeking advice on the merits of an appeal as early as possible. If the appeal to the school’s governing body fails, a child who is permanently excluded can appeal to an independent appeal panel.

If you are still unhappy with the decision of the independent appeal panel, you may be able to judicially review it. This is, however, a complicated and drawn out process, and you should seek specialist legal advice from an education lawyer before embarking on this course of action.

Decisions Permanently to Exclude

A decision to exclude a child from a school permanently should only be made in the following circumstances:

  • Where the child has seriously breached a school’s policy on behaviour, either because of one very serious offence or several offences AND
  • That allowing the child to stay at the school would seriously damage the welfare and/or education of the child, or that of other pupils at the school.

A permanent exclusion is usually issued when an incident is exceptionally serious. This may be, for example, because the child has:

  • Threatened or used serious violence against a teacher, other member of staff or pupil
  • Carried out an act of sexual abuse or assault
  • Supplied illicit drug(s)
  • Been found to be carrying a weapon

Non-Exclusion Offences

A child should never be excluded for committing minor incidents, such as failing to complete homework, for being late, breaches of school uniform rules, or for poor academic performance. A child should not be excluded as punishment for the behaviour of their parents, for example, if the parents fail to attend a scheduled meeting about their child. It is also never appropriate to exclude a child who is being bullied by sending them home for their own protection. Similarly, it is not lawful for a child to be ‘informally excluded’, by being sent home to calm down, for example.

What About SEN children or those with disabilities?

It is illegal to exclude a child on the ground of his or her disability. Schools should avoid sending SEN children home other than in exceptional situations.

School Exclusion Procedure

Once the decision has been made to exclude a child, the head teacher should decide whether the exclusion is to be fixed-term or permanent. If it is a fixed-term exclusion, the length must be fixed for a precise period of time, and reasons for the exclusion should be given in a letter within one school day. Usually the parent or guardian will be informed by telephone on the day of the exclusion. The parent has a right to make representations to the school’s governing body, and the letter should set out how to do this and who to contact in order to do this.

There is a right to see the child’s school record, and the parent or guardian should also be informed that their child should not be in a public place during the period of exclusion without reasonable justification. If this is not adhered to, the parent may be prosecuted or fined. If the local authority or the school considers that the child’s parent may have had something to do with the child’s poor behaviour, the parent may be offered a Parenting Contract.

The school should allow the child to continue his or her education during the first five days that the exclusion is in place. The parent or guardian remains responsible for ensuring that the child completes the work and that it is sent back to the school.

At the end of a fixed-term exclusion, the parent should be invited by the school to attend the school for a ‘reintegration interview.’ This is to help the child back to school and to help him or her improve their behaviour. The child will normally be allowed to attend all or part of this interview.

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My son was permanently excluded from school in October and still at home due to the fact that he stands for himself and let teachers know how he feels. He has always be tagged because he was to popular in the school and everything that happens around him , teachers thinks it bad,he was in the top set and loves playing football,the fact that he was loud and alot if people like him was a big worry for the behaviour teacher of the school. He is now home and still looking for school Year9 is now choosing they are GCSE
Hay - 23-Jan-24 @ 11:23 PM
I'm Alice Walton, I have an important testimony to sharing with everyone, My husband left me to be with another woman. and wanted him back. i was jealous and it made us argue all the time until he vanished away, I was desperate to get him back, I wasted so much time and money on getting my lover back after I have tried almost all possibilities to have him back and nothing worked. I became lonely for 2 years. To make it short, I found a spell caster Dr.Excellent by accident. I don’t know how I found him and i cant remember. But, when I first saw the good testimonies about his wonderful work and after reading the Testimonials, I decided I had to try and give it one last shot. After the spells, a miracle happened, my husband came home. it was awesome, anyone who needs help, should email Dr.Excellent He is the best. whoever need a spell caster that will work for you and bring back your lover should contact Dr.Excellent for help now. Here his Whatsapp: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail. com
oliviastephen02 - 3-Jul-23 @ 7:23 AM
Is it lawful and can a permanent exclusion be overturned? My son was asked for the 2 days prior to this to be kept at home whilst investigations were carried out, yet no fixed term suspension was given in this place prior to the permanent exclusion?X
Charlie - 17-May-23 @ 10:15 PM
My son has been excluded from school for being silly a few minor silly things have happen . But I was left a voice mail at 6pm the day befor he was excluded. Is this enough warning ? I have now had to make sure I am home today he is 12 bit I wouldn't want to leave him as he will think this is a god thing to be able to stay home for the day alone.
Tyra Vetier - 7-May-21 @ 11:02 AM
My daughteris in secondary school and has recently been excluded from school on a fixed basis.She was placed on a 2hr detention which was wrongly logged by the D HT instead of 30min and my daughterattended her 30 mins and she was punished ( by making her stay in the D HT roomfor the whole day missing her classes) for not staying on forfull 2hrs even though the D HT knows that it was wronglyloggedinas 2hrs. Whilst she was in the D HT roomwith a couple other students, one of the student was doing funny faces and my daughter laughed. Because she laughedthe school has decidedto exclude her for a fixed period . I believethisisharshfor the school to take such actionfor a minor thing
AJIN - 30-Sep-20 @ 9:29 PM
I have a court order on me due to my sons dad he accused me of kidnapping him ,I was recovering from a operation and was going to take my son down to Kent for a week while I recovered anyway he took me to court over it and im not allowed to take him from the school or relocate to Kent, my son is now being bullied at the school I have spoke to the school on numerous occasions and they won't do anything last week their was a incident involving this bully with another girl,she kept hitting her in the face with a toy tried to kiss her on the lips and lifted up her top,she was suspended for a week but is back in Monday for several days a week my son is petrified of her coming back I want to take him out the school and put him in another school can his welfare over the court decision
shaz1980 - 20-Sep-20 @ 2:08 PM
My 14 year old son and his friend splashed each other with water in the school toilet at break time yesterday. He was issue initially with a detention but I was later called by the Head of Year who informed me that it has been decided my son is to be excluded for 1 day. Apparently this is because they are conscious of causing the cleaners extra work amidst the pandemic. To my mind the punishment is utterly disproportionate to the offence. Furthermore, I do not feel the school have followed their own exclusion policy protocol. I have yet to receive the formal notification of the exclusion. The school had booked a Zoom call with me which was presented to me as an opportunity to voice my concerns on the matter but during the call I was advised that I was not permitted to discuss my opinion on the exclusion, rather the purpose of the meeting was to reintegrate my son back into the school(?) I am absolutely shocked and dismayed that the school have felt it appropriate to exclude my son following such a minor offence rather after children have been out of school for six months. A more suitable penalty would have been a detention.
Leahg - 16-Sep-20 @ 12:18 AM
Hi,my son is 13 and has been diagnosed with autism. He should have support at school, but he hasn’t do over two months. He and two friends were suspected of vaping on the bus to school (I have seen no proof and he said he just pressed the button. I suspect he may have tried it.) he was immediately excluded from school. I don’t believe this is the right course of action and believe the school has acted out of line with their own policy, and not within government guidelines or ofstedsindependent review on exclusion. Am I right in thinking I have a case to ask them to review this. Yours sincerely P Batterbee
Paddy - 9-Mar-20 @ 7:05 PM
Hi,my son is 13 and has been diagnosed with autism. He should have support at school, but he hasn’t for over two months. On Friday he and two friends were suspected of vaping on the bus to school (I have seen no proof and he said he just pressed the button. I suspect he may have tried it.) he was immediately excluded from school. I don’t believe this is the right course of action and believe the school has acted out of line with their own policy, and not within government guidelines or ofstedsindependent review on exclusion. Am I right in thinking I have a case to ask them to review this. Yours sincerely P Batterbee
Paddy - 9-Mar-20 @ 7:04 PM
Our son is in Year 11 and has been in a relationship with a girl at school for the last 12 months. There have been several incidents over the last 6 months or so where disagreements spilled over into the school environment and school staff had to get involved. Some of the incidents involved him losing his temper and punching a wall. The school advised us to get a referral to CAMHS which we did, but unfortunately one of the appointments offered clashed with a mock exam and they couldn't offer anything else. We also tried to arrange private counselling to no avail and we didn't pursue because it seemed like the issues had sorted themselves out. To cut a long story short, an incident occurred last week where a group of boys were "winding him up" and his girlfriend was "in on the joke". This caused him to have an angry outburst where he punched a wall. This incident was witnessed by the Deputy Head Teacher who basically said that he could no longer be at the school. We were advised by the safeguarding teacher of two options - 1) to accept a permanent exclusion, 2) to advise the school that we would elect to home school our son (thus avoiding issues on record). If we chose home schooling we were assured that the school would voluntarily provide work and guidance for him leading up to his exams. He would also be allowed to take his exams at the school (although they said they would need to think about how to facilitate this). We elected to take the home schooling option given that we felt that this was the only thing we could do to ensure some kind of continuity. It has emerged though that he now no longer has access to his course and school work because access to the cloud facility has been withdrawn. We did speak to the school but it sounds like this won't be reinstated. We currently have a very depressed 16 year old sitting at home, isolated, doing very little. We feel a bit in limbo and possibly pushed towards the home schooling option a bit too hastily. I now feel it would have probably been better to have taken the permanent exclusion as on reflection I am not convinced that the decision taken by the school was a bit unreasonable and perhaps other interventions could have been explored at the time or at least something allowing us more time to explore potential mental health interventions. I don't think there is anything sinister on the schools part - I think they were genuinely trying to come up with a solution but can't help thinking that there are some unintended consequences here that require a level of mitigation. I could do with some advice on the matter.
adh - 5-Mar-20 @ 11:26 AM
Hi my daughter has been permanently excluded for the 3rd time! Last two were withdrawn as part of there faults again...now she had a fight outside school grounds with another pupil who grabbed her first yet the other pupil is still in school! It was also videoed by other pupils which I have seen and it's clear the other pupil is attacking her...there is a lot of other stuff happening in the school with my other daughter also and I know it's wring what's happening there as the organisation called snap cymruso involved and aggreed school has failed more then once to follow procedures can someoneplease get in contact with me to help please Thanks
Tracy - 17-Dec-19 @ 3:37 PM
Hi My daughter has complex ptsd, she needs emdr and after trying one session if looks like it may work. Her psychologist has said it's going to be a minimum of 6 months. Following the treatment her brain is processing for around 6 days, this leaves her in no competent state to be at school. This is her GCSE year. She is currently doing mocks as school are being less than helpful! My question, how can I legally defer her GCSEs until next year? She needs to sort her mental health, she has a very tangible reason for her mental health issue and until the events are processed she will not get better. This extra stress and worry of getting behind is equally a stress. Her psychologist is happy to support that school at present is not helpful and that emdr is far more likely to work if she is not at school, under the pressure. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks G
G - 26-Nov-19 @ 12:00 AM
Hi.Is it possible somebody could tell me if it’s lawful to place a child in isolation whilst waiting for a parent to attend a reintergration meeting following a fixed term exclusion? I’m not able to attend before the day child is due back into school because of work commitments and the school has said he will be placed in isolation.It’s already been agreed isolation effects his meant alone health and if he refuses he get excluded again for not complying with policy. Thanks in advance
Exasperated - 10-Nov-19 @ 6:25 AM
My child has been excluded for 3 days when the school found he had posted a video online making a comment... (which is already in the public domain) aboutvthe trustee of the school. The head rang to say what had happened and would i agree to exclusion and the excutives of the trust are pushing for expulsion. She also mentioned liable and solicitors so I agreed. Now from what I am reading i feel that this doesn't fot the situation at all. I wasn't informed i could face a fine or that I would recieve a letter informing that I can appeal. Work for my child wasn'tready when my husband went to the school at the agreed time to collect it. He had to wait 30mins. When he got home he had a snooty call asking why our child wasn't in school today! I'm so confused what we can do now as we are day 2 of 3 of the exclusion. Can anyone advise or know where I should go for help. I dont want this on his record!
Worried - 7-Nov-19 @ 9:17 AM
My granddaughter was bullied for 3 months, she suffered verbal abuse, posts on social media, threats from children from another school. She was put in access but they still managed to shout abuse at her. They would take turns to sit in her seat, knowing she would have to find another seat or request the teacher move them. Her French text was ripped up in front of her and vile abuse used. Teachers tried to stop this but unfortunately it came to a head one day after suffering another day of abuse, she went over to three girls and challenged them which resulted in a fight which she started and she ended up excluded permanently. She told me she just wanted it to stop and just lost it when she went over. She is deeply sorry and knows this was wrong but I feel the 3 months of bullying was not taken into account and it was a way of the school solving the problem.
Daisy - 23-Aug-19 @ 11:58 AM
My son got angry today in pe and hit a stick with his hand and broke it he is scared he might get excluded for it but can he get excluded?
Rayyan - 10-Jul-19 @ 9:40 PM
My son got angry at school today and hit a stick with his hand in pe and he is scared he might get excluded for this can he get excluded?
Rayyan - 10-Jul-19 @ 9:38 PM
My daughter is in year 12. At the beginning of the school year, the school held parents meeting about 6th form. One of the things highlighted was that if a student gets a grading lower than a D in their year 12 Mick exams they would not be allowed to continue to year 13. My daughter got an E for one of the subjects. She has been very stressed and told me that the school will have meetings with parents of those students who have failed about exclusion from school. I got a phone call to make an appointment with the head of year. They wouldn't tell me what it was about over the phone. I would like to go equipped with info about the legality of exclusion based on performance. Where can i get advice should they say they want to exclude her?.I cannot afford to pay for legal advice. thank you
Winnie - 9-Jul-19 @ 10:43 AM
My son had gone into school and came home upset saying he didnt get any school dinner considering i had contact the school earlier that day to inform them that he was goin to have a school meal because he forgot his lunch at home and i was unable to bring it in for lunch time. I went into the school on Tuesday 25th June 19 to ask about what had happen bare in mind at this point i was fumming and upset and got into an argument with the staff which i believe was the head teacher and another male teacher i found the male teacher intimidating that he was close up in my face and i asked him if he could step back he refused at this point they threatened to call the police and i told them i was happy to wait as i hadnt done anything wrong the head teacher then suggested that i should find a new school for my children and she will arange a meeting for me to come in as i am now banned from the school and not allowed to make any contact also the school will not be contacting me. My children has been out of school since Tuesday and no phone call had been made advising me of what to do, i then got my neighbour to bring my children in on Friday 28th june my children were turnt away without me being informed or present it was my neighbour who bought them home i am very disgusted with what the school had done as iv been informed that they are excluded from school with a letter not explaining why along with a transfer school application form. I have contact the inclusion team and they have not got any notes reguarding the absent of both children and that it is not usual for a school to write to the parent its usually the inclusion team that should be notified, My son does not feel comfortable with this and no meeting was called and i have not been able explained to them how i felt an how my son felt i have followed school procedure and have seen this as a cause for concern that i am sending my children to school and they are not having lunch and being picked on by staff. My main concerns is having my two children kicked out from school 11 and 4 years old bare im mind my 11 year old has just finished his SATS and awaiting his results unfortunately he wont be able to say goodbye to his year 6 friends as he transfers over to secondary school as he has been excluded for no reason
Cam - 29-Jun-19 @ 8:14 AM
My son has been given a fixed term exclusion from college.They have not investigated yet but excluded 5 children on the basis that as a ‘group’ they were misusing the recording studio (eating and drinking in it and breaking college policy) and making unkind comments about another student (this is the 2nd warning about this for 2 of them). Can the college exclude my child as part of a group? Can they do it without knowing the facts, they didn’t even ask him about it as an individual? They just came in and said they were taking a stand and that they had to leave and not come back until after the Easter holidays. Can they do this without evidence? My son hasn’t actually been involved, he was in another room when the kids were eating and as for the unkind comments, again, can he be excluded for what others may or may not have said?
Jules - 2-Apr-19 @ 7:22 PM
My son is 15 and has received a 5 day exclusion from school for smoking drugs on a school trip. What does this mean for his school record? It was his first offence. He realises he was very stupid and there are some mental health issues which the school is aware of relating to bullying, as he has been attending the school counsellor, but we only became aware of this after the incident.As the exclusion willbe recorded will this be revealed to potential universities and/or employers and can I ask for the mitigation circumstances to be recorded too?
LOUL - 16-Jan-19 @ 1:46 PM
If my child is in school but refuses to go to isolation can the school class this has an unauthorised abcense and fine me which is what the Head Teacher has said she's going to do.
Tracy - 17-Dec-18 @ 10:14 AM
My 15 year old daughter, who is waiting for an assessment for ASD, got caught smoking at school (she said she does this to calm herself down).She went to isolation but now they have given her a 5 day fixed term exclusion when she is sitting her mock exams next week.I know some teachers want her out and wonder if this has been done on purpose.If she fails her PPEs she will be sent to their referral unit to study functional skills.Does anyone have any advice.I am desperate.
Mumoftwins - 29-Nov-18 @ 6:07 PM
Can a child be permanently excluded if waiting for an assessment by CAMS?
J - 28-Nov-18 @ 6:42 PM
My daughter has been threatened with an exclusion if she continues to miss homework deadlines. School are not setting to their policy and have stated they will log the exclusion as disruption. Pretty sure they can’t do this. Please advise
P - 23-Nov-18 @ 1:56 AM
My son has been excluded from school today for uploading a video that didn't show any child's faces but they were heard talking about another child who had made racist comments about my son.. the school left a message on my voicemail yesterday saying he was in isolation and that the teacher needed to talk to the headteacher to see if the matter warranted my son being excluded I was told I'd be informed when a decision was made... I called the school twice this morning to talk to the teacher as I had left 3 messages for her yesterday... On my 2nd call today I told her secretary I'd be unable to answer any call till after 2 .30 as I was at work... Meeting my son after school he informed me he had been excluded and had been sent home with homework... I've still at this point had no communication with any of his teachers nor had they emailed me or sent me a text message telling me the decision regarding the meeting about excluding him which I have now found out took place at lunch time today.. I finally got to speak to his head of year who showed me but wouldn't give me a copy of a letter they planned to send out in the next couple of days detailing why me son's been excluded. Apparently I couldn't have a copy as the headteacher hadn't signed it and had left the school and is not due back till Friday so I wouldn't review the letter until Saturday or Monday .. My question is if I have not been informed prior to my son leaving school today that he was to be excluded for 3 days is it still lawfully.. I had no messages to say the meeting had taken place and the result of it.. They are now trying to say because I said not to call till after 2.30 they couldn't get hold of me .. my answer to that is you could have sent me a text or email ... The school teacher did finally call me back at 4.10 pm and couldn't understand why I was not a happy woman... The head of year also informed me that by law I didn't need to be given any notice of my son's exclusion !!!!!
Jjs mum - 21-Nov-18 @ 11:15 PM
My son was sent home in the last day of the recent half term so he only did half a day, the reason given was an incident had happened in school involving 3 others and I was to keep him home on the first day of the new term pending a phone call, I received that phone call today and was told that he was being excluded for 3 days following a bullying incident, I was told that my son and another dragged a boy in to a toilet cubicle and wouldn’t let him out I was told the boy was distressed and screaming let me out and let me go, I was told it was all on video. After speaking to my son who gave a very different account I also watched the video footage which did not show any of the things the teacher said had happened, yes the boys were messing around but the other boy walked in and was not dragged in and he could have left at any time and was laughing to, so a completely different account then what I was told. Athough I think my son has been stupid and perhaps a sanction is required I’m not sure the label of bully and a three day exclusion fits the actions ?? I am more concerned that I was lied to about what actually happened any thoughts ?
K - 29-Oct-18 @ 3:40 PM
Hi, my 5 year old son (born at only 29 weeks) so some developmental delays and behaviour problems had improved a lot but upon starting in reception has started to bite other kids in an afternoon when he is over tired and struggles to communicate his emotions. He hadn't done this for ages so think the new environment has triggered this again. He has SEN needs. Whilst I understand his behaviour is unacceptable and we are doing everything we can to tackle this - the school have put him in a high visibility jacket at playtimes (like a big warning sign). Our son hates this and he is the only child made to wear this despite other kids scratching and pushing my son off his chair which gave him a massive egg shaped lump on his head. Are they allowed to single him out and make my son wear this? It feels like they are pushing us out rather than working together to resolve this. They put my son on a part time timetable this week then excluded him for 2 days. Our son does not even understand the exclusion despite us explaining it was due to his behaviour. I know the school have a duty of care to protect the other children but I also feel isolated and unsupported in trying to stop the biting. We are at our wits end.
HM - 19-Oct-18 @ 5:34 PM
*** PLEASE IGNORE PREVIOUS POST AS THERE WERE ERRORS *** My daughter (yr10) was told to leave the class after being given a c3 (I thought it was c4 removal from class, but apparently this teacher doesn't know the procedures). She was falsely accused of disrupting the class by laughing at someone sneezing (which she didn't), the teacher actually said that the noise (laughing) came from her direction (no actual proof just an assumption) and was given the c3. At that point my daughter calmly and politely said "it wasnt me", the teacher then shouted at her "are you challenging me?" then she got kicked out of class. She went to reception where she was told to goto e1 (a so called "matrix") (a different year class) and fill out a yellow form. The teacher from e1 (matrix) then asked my daughter why she had been given a c4 which she replied she hadn't the original teacher said a c3 and even ticked c3 on the whiteboard with her name on, but the teacher from e1, after about 20mins, told her she had to report to a different teacher to be booked in for a detention for 30mins after school Monday. She couldn't find this "other" teacher and my wife tore the yellow form up and stated quite categorically my daughter will not be doing detention. We are unsure if the original teacher who gave her the c3 knows the procedure and it is unclear if she will have a detention, either way if my daughter does not attend any detentions etc and gets a fixed term exclusion (after progressing down the consequences path) , upon her return would she then have to do the detention still or is the exclusion punishment enough?
Rbcjhub - 21-Sep-18 @ 12:44 AM
My daughter (yr10) was told to leave the class after being given a c3 (I thought it was c4 removal from class, but apparently this teacher doesn't know the procedures). She was falsely accused of disrupting the class by laughing at someone sneezing (which she didn't), the teacher actually said that the noise (laughing) came from her direction and was given the c3. At that point my calmly and politely said "it was me", the teacher then shouted at her "are you challenging me?" then she got kicked out of class. She went to reception where she was told to goto e1 (a different year class) and fill out a yellow form. The teacher from e1 then asked my daughter had she been given a c4 which she replied no a c3, but the this teacher told her she had to report to this other teacher to be booked in for a detention. She couldn't find this "other" teacher and my wife tore the yellow form up and stated quite categorically my daughter will not be doing detention. We are unsure if the original teacher who gave her the c3 knows the procedure and it is unclear if she will have a detention, either way if my daughter does not attend any detentions etc and gets a fixed term exclusion, upon her return would she then have to do the detention or is the exclusion punishment enough?
Rbcjhub - 21-Sep-18 @ 12:36 AM
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