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Child Sex Offences

By: Angela Armes - Updated: 19 Aug 2013 | comments*Discuss
Child Sex Offences Sex Offences Sex

As much as we, as parents, would like not to believe it could happen to our children, the shadow of child sex offences and child sex offenders looms large in our society. The increase in child sex offences in the last 20 years has been great and the reasons for this are difficult to ascertain.

The Internet and Child Sex Offences

Since the advent of the Internet back in the latter half of the 1990s, there has been an increase in the amount of material published containing images and details of sex acts performed on or in the presence of children.

This is a frightening fact but one that is made all the more real now that the internet is playing such an important role in our children's lives. Certainly the web is a source of great knowledge and fun for our children, but it has to be addressed that certain elements use the internet for the distribution of literature and photographic imagery that exploits children in the most unpleasant of ways.

With this in mind it is important to keep close watch on our children's internet activity and to prevent them from accessing any sites, social networking sites or forums where you think there is a definite risk of exposure to such material.

Offences Against the Person

There are a great many offences of a sexual nature that can be committed against our children, which include:

  • Rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Engaging a person in a sexual activity without consent
  • Sexual activity with a child
  • Causing a child to watch a sexual act
  • Child sex offences committed by children or younger persons
  • Meeting a child following sexual grooming

If You Suspect Your Child has been the Victim of a Child Sex Offence

The realisation and the knowledge that their child may have been a victim of a sex offender is something that all parents dread. Statistics have shown that in many of the cases of child sex abuse the child has had prior knowledge or contact with the offender. With this in mind, it is important to be aware of where your child is and who he or she is with.

If you employ the services of a child minder or home help, they should have a CRB check (Criminal Records Bureau) check already carried out. If they do not, you should ask them to obtain one before making any offer of employment to them.

There are also signs to look out for in your child's behaviour. Have they:

  • Become withdrawn?
  • Displayed cuts or bruises without good reason?
  • Played truant from school?
  • Refused to interact with the family unit?
  • Refused to spend time in the company of a particular person or persons?
Of course, in many of the aforementioned circumstances there are reasonable explanations to be had, but it is important if your child shows any of these symptoms that you try to speak to them about it in a manner befitting of the situation.

Interact with them on a one-to-one basis, spend time with them and ask questions; do not push them for answers. If a child has been the victim of a sex offence, they will often not want to talk about it, so it is important that you make it easy for them to talk about it without their feeling it is their fault.

For further information on any of the topics shown here, talk to your local Department of Social Services and also consult your child's school. More importantly, keep calm and remember the interests of the child or children involved.

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what is the sole responsibility of my mom if my type of visa is a child dependent and she is the only one providing the financial..i fix my papers when i'm 17 now i am 18 yrs old obviously not already a child dependent..i have refuse because it says that the eco is not convinced that my mom have a sole responsibility..but they are separated already last 7 yrs and he is not showing to us either..thats why her parents (my grandparents) is the one that i am leaving but my guardian is my mom sister almost 10 mins away only there house...pls help me we are filing my papers for appealing to the court
k06 - 16-Dec-12 @ 4:35 AM
Trusting your child to an adult is always a difficult issue, so you need to be aware of the person. Ask for references as well as a CRB check and make sure they're not on the sex offenders' register (a very important step - check with your local police for details). If you take these steps, and make sure you check all the references, then you should be safe. But as we all know, there's no cast-iron guarantee to things, however much we want there to be, so we need to be aware and on the lookout for any signs of sexual abuse.
Eliza - 2-Jul-12 @ 11:22 AM
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