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Registering The Birth of a Child

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 20 Mar 2021 | comments*Discuss
Birth Registration Register Office

In England and Wales, a new baby must be registered within 42 days of its birth. This is usually carried out at your local registry office, although in some cases a mother may be able to register her baby before she leaves hospital if a registrar is present.

Why is it Important to Register The Birth of a Child?

Your child's birth needs to be registered so that they are legally recognised. After the registration, you will receive your baby's birth certificate as proof of registration, and this document will be required if you are claiming any benefits and to prove their identification. Both parents should be named on the birth certificate, if they are known.

Who Can Register The Birth?

The birth can be registered by:
  • Either the mother or father if they are married
  • The child's mother if she is not married

If one of the parents cannot attend the registration, they need to fill in a statutory declaration form and this should be handed in to the registrar.

If a Parental Responsibility agreement in place or either parent has an appropriate court order, this can be presented at the time of registration.

If the father's details are not recorded, it may be possible for these details to be registered at a later date.

What if the Parents Cannot Attend?

If neither the mother or father can attend the registration, then the following may register the birth in their place:
  • The Occupier of the house or hospital where the child was born
  • The person who was present at the birth
  • The person who is responsible for the child

What Information Do We Have To Provide?

You must provide the registrar with the following information for your baby's birth certificate:
  • The date of your child's birth
  • The place of your child's birth
  • Your baby's full name and gender
  • Name, date and place of birth and occupation of the father
  • Name, date and place of birth and occupation of the mother

Make Sure You Get it Right

Registering the birth of your child is a happy experience but, as a birth certificate is a legal document, every attempt should be made to ensure that all information and details relating to both the birth and to the birth parents is accurate at the time of registration. Make sure that all spellings, especially your child's name, are correct as these cannot be corrected.

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Hello , I’m legally still married but we have separate over two years now and I’m pregnant 5 weeks with someone else ! Can I put my baby on his biological father ?
Alex - 20-Mar-21 @ 7:15 PM
Hi my son and his gf separated before the birth of their child he is an active father and pays maintenance and really wants to be part of the child's life, his x has said she is not going to put his name of the birth certificate, can she do this or can he stop her from registering the child births without him??
Kitty - 22-Aug-20 @ 5:19 PM
Hi, I'm seperated from my husband and I just had a baby with another man. Can I add him to the birth certificate wihtout having any issues because I'm legally still married.
Emmy - 9-Jul-20 @ 11:59 AM
Hi me and my husband are still married but he ran off after arriving in the UK & leaving me pregnant. We tried to make tried to make things work & we had a son 3 years ago. He obtained a court order for his son only to assist his visa and to reinstate it. He does not live with us since he arrived in the UK but occasionally visits & I am pregnant again. Him and his family are adamant on naming the baby & he says he is going to register the baby by himself and I really don’t want this as I know they will give my baby the worst possible name... I’m really struggling with this thought of him just going to register the baby without my consent.. what can I do as we are still married and he is the father of mychildren.. I’m just in such an awkward situation.. does he have the right to register without me ? Will they not ask him for any proof that I give consent or any other documents?
Shah - 29-Jan-20 @ 10:43 AM
Hi I'm due to have a baby in 2 wks time ..I have been seperated from my husband for over 2 yrs .can I legally put my new baby s father on the birth certificate even though I still usemy married name
Granny - 19-Jan-20 @ 2:20 PM
I couldn’t recognise my baby dad so I registered him on my surname,but know because of the look I start to recognise my baby father if i make DNA is it ok to register my baby again on his real father name
Zaina - 23-Dec-19 @ 2:50 AM
I am legally married but I am having a baby with another man. How shall I proceed to register the child having my new boyfriend as the father?
Alex - 10-Sep-19 @ 10:02 PM
Hi my son in law does not want to go on the birth certificate ofor my grandson even though he was conceived through I'VE so is definitely the father. He also says he cannot be forced to be on certificate although they are still married.
Gusboy - 20-Aug-19 @ 10:05 PM
Hi Ileft my baby's dad when I was early in my pregnancy I met a new man who was there when I had my little boy is it a criminal offence to put my new partner on his birth certificate we rnt married.
Na - 11-Aug-19 @ 10:22 AM
Hi my partner at the time convinced me that the child we had was mine so I put my name on the birth certificate even though she new I was not the biological father which I have recently found out. How do I go about getting my name of as I can have my name on it now more thanks
Ron - 17-Jul-19 @ 10:35 PM
Hello, my girlfriend is illegal and we had a baby, can we still register the baby with her as the mother as she's from the Caribbean and don't have the right to be here?
Tbobby - 1-Jul-19 @ 2:59 PM
Hi, I have registered my son, however, due to the lack of sleep I incorrectly gave my birth place as the town I live in now. Therefore my two sons birth certificates contradict each other. Will this be a problem and need to be corrected? Thanks
Phil - 23-Apr-19 @ 12:29 PM
Hi my son is 4 his dad has been in and out of his life since he was 11months he does have him some weekends and every time he does my son comes home using violent and aggressive behaviour even the nursery have complained about it and have told me to stop him going there I hate to do it but I haven't really got a choice in it he is know for drug and drink use he was violent towards me and have had 2 restraining orders on him over the past 5years he is not in his birth certificate as I refused a man like that to be on it if I stop contact what rights will he have to my child?
Jade - 15-Apr-19 @ 4:17 PM
Hi looking at the birth certificate of my child I noticed that it has both mine and his dads address as his own so where is he redjistered at? He lives with me but I’m worried that this means he technically lives at both and I don’t want this how do I change it if that is the case?
Taz - 15-Mar-19 @ 7:30 PM
Hi, when I gave birth to my son I was in a domestic abuse relationship and I wanted to give my son my last name but my boyfriend at the time and his mum made sure my son didn't have my last name I was told by my ex (partner at the time) that he would make my life hell if I didn't put his last name as my son's so when he beat me up I left him as I didn't recognise any signs of this abuse I have changed my son's last name by deed poll but I want to change it on the birth cert how would this be possible please
Paz - 5-Mar-19 @ 12:40 PM
Hi there, my fathers name was never put on my birth certificate at birth. My mum took him to court under the affiliation act in 1973 for child support, which he paid. He has now passed away, but I want to add him to my birth certificate, can this be done and do I have go to court....
Joe - 23-Feb-19 @ 7:29 PM
My boyfriend is separated from his wife and currently going through divorce. However she is due to give birth soon and the divorce won’t be finalised and she’s threatening to put his name as the father on the birth certificate even though he isn’t. Can we stop this happening at all? Thank you
Shaz - 21-Feb-19 @ 11:04 AM
Hi When I registered my son,I was told that I could give him any random surname that is neither father's or mother's surname, so I gave my son a random surname. Now we have moved to Europe and the authorities want proof that this is indeed allowed in UK Law. They want an article in the law that proves this is true. Where can I find this and what article is it?
Cebcity - 3-Dec-18 @ 9:39 PM
I dont want to put my husbands name on our babys birth certificTe but we are married since 2015. Doi have to legally put him on? Were going threw a difficult time as hes been aving a affair and i wouldnt want him to play games with custody. I will allow acess wen i no he can resposibly take care of a child alone. But if hes on certifictae he can leggaly take r child.
Jean123 - 27-Oct-18 @ 1:42 PM
Hi a member of my family has had a baby with his gf, he was present at the birth and did not know that his gf her mother and gran registered the birth without him. He’s not named on the birth certificate. Is there anything he can do to change this?
MrsA - 8-Sep-18 @ 5:52 PM
I have just found out my son has a 5 year old daughter. The mother of the child knowing put her new partner as the father. (who she is no Longer with but still has a Contact with ) We have done dna test. She is now back tracking and doesn't want to upset the little girl. And basically lie to her for the rest of her life! How do we go about getting my son on her birth certificate Thanks
Sharon - 6-Sep-18 @ 1:44 PM
Jane - Your Question:
Hi, I got my baby registered and used my address for his father's address as he is temporarily staying with me as he got kicked out from his mum's, is this an issue?

Our Response:
No this shouldn't be an issue.
LawAndParents - 24-Aug-18 @ 2:09 PM
Hi, I got my baby registered and used my address for his father's address as he is temporarily staying with me as he got kicked out from his mum's, is this an issue?
Jane - 23-Aug-18 @ 1:03 AM
I have a child with an illegal immigrant who doesnt have passport an doesnt want to go back to her country to apply for a passport and our child doesnt have a birth certificate and she is 4yrs now I'm worried about her future..as her father who is RSA citizen is it possible to apply a birthday certificate n register her in my name..Plz help I'm really worried about my daughter it really hurts!
azaria - 1-Aug-18 @ 9:57 PM
My ex gf didn’t put me on the birth certificate of our little girl. Is that against the law knowing I’m the father? Do I have to pay to be put on the birth certificate?
Dal - 15-Jul-18 @ 5:57 PM
I am currently married.. my wife is now pregnant with another man's child. He is an illegal immigrant who is currently in jail for intent to supply.. as we are married does this mean that I will need to sign the birth certificate? If not what course will I need to take..
Bill - 11-Jul-18 @ 7:57 PM
Babs - Your Question:
I was married, but not on good terms with my husband and didnt place his name on my child's birth certificate. My child is 24 and regret my actions back then. Can I get the fathers name placed on the birth certificate.

Our Response:
Yes if you were married at the time it's a straightforward process See the government page here
LawAndParents - 29-Jun-18 @ 3:49 PM
I was married, but not on good terms with my husband and didnt place his name on my child's birth certificate. My child is 24 and regret my actions back then.Can I get the fathers name placed on the birth certificate.
Babs - 27-Jun-18 @ 10:53 PM
ConfusedUncle - Your Question:
Hi, my brother is currently beibg harrassed for CSA, however he was not present at birth, nor did he attend registration for his children due to the mother refusing him to be there.Solicitors state his name is on the birth certificate, but he has no proof.What can he do?

Our Response:
Is he the biological father? If so he is responsible for maintenance payments.
LawAndParents - 22-Jun-18 @ 2:30 PM
Hi, my brother is currently beibg harrassed for CSA, however he was not present at birth, nor did he attend registration for his children due to the mother refusing him to be there. Solicitors state his name is on the birth certificate, but he has no proof. What can he do?
ConfusedUncle - 21-Jun-18 @ 6:16 PM
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