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Steps That Schools Take Against Bullying

By: Angela Armes - Updated: 28 Nov 2017 | comments*Discuss
Bullying School Bullying School Bully

Bullying is a very serious concern for any parent especially when their child starts at a new school. It can be a daunting time for both parents and children alike and it is important to know and understand how the school deals with issues of bullying if and when they arise.

Types of Bullying

Before establishing what schools can do to reduce bullying, it is worth considering what constitutes bullying to begin with. Bullying does not necessarily have to involve inflicting any kind of physical abuse on another pupil, although that does unfortunately happen. Bullying can also be undertaken as:

  • Racial Abuse
  • Taunting
  • Physical Contact
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Teasing
  • Cyber-bullying

What Do Schools Do If They Discover Bullying

If a teacher is informed of an case of bullying within the confines of the school they must act on it immediately in order to prevent it happening again. However, it is sometimes very difficult to have the child that is being bullied admit to being bullied for fear of further reprisals.

It is customary for the Head Teacher to issue an automatic suspension to any pupil found to be bullying another pupil. This suspension is enforced and will remain in place until the bullying pupil’s parents attend a meeting with the Head Teacher to discuss how things will progress in the future.

If the bullying is another instance in a long line of complaints, the Head Teacher must consult with the Local Education Authority with reference to the long-term School Exclusion.

Parents can appeal against any such decision but during the time leading up to the appeal the pupil responsible for the bullying may not attend classes in the usual manner – this is another means of enforcing the punishment.

Helping To Combat Bullying in Schools

A number of schools in the UK do not allow the use of mobile telephones during school time in order to cut down on the amount of so-called ‘Cyber-Bullying’ – a trend which has worryingly emerged since the advent and mass production of cheap mobile telephones.

Schools also monitor the Internet access of all children in their Information Technology classes so that bullying via email and message boards can be minimised. Any child found to be using such methods of bullying are liable for instant suspension until the matter is resolved.

Local Authorities provide training for teachers and teaching staff in how to deal with potential volatile situations which may arise as a result of bullying. This training is regularly updated and kept in line with government standards and requirements.

If you would like to know more about your child’s school policy on bullying, it is worth arranging an interview with the Head Teacher or alternatively the School Welfare Officer. Your Local Education Authority will also be able to provide you with information and literature on how to help teachers combat bullying in and out of school.

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Hi There, I am struggling to find some answers, help and piece of mind for my 10 year old son. He is constantly taunted in school, physically abused, has encountered racial abuse, verbal abuse and is provoked to fight because he is sensitive and does not want to engage in a fight. All though the usual suspects are known in the school by teachers and pupils for disruption my son seems to get into trouble for verbally defending himself. Apart from a racial incident that was 'heard' by a teacher and that child was removed from his class. But previous to that I had complained about it and did not see any effective changes to prevent that from happening again. However I feel if the teacher does not witness the incident for themselves then it falls on deaf ears. My son does not want to fight and often walks away, takes the punches and verbal bile but does occasionally stand up to them because they follow him around and does stick up for himself as he does not want them to keep humiliating and hurt him. I feel the punishments are all the same for those who are bullying and for those who are trying to do well and achieve something and therefore gives the bullies ammunition because they don't care about being in trouble but revel in getting him in trouble. There never seems to be a teacher present and most of the time these things happen when the bully is aware teachers will not be around to witness this. I have written to the school and met with them to discuss this and have been told its not really bullying and that my son needs to not be involved or around these children. But it seems unfair that he should not join in with the games to avoid being bullied when the children bullying him are awarded by being able to get away with their nasty behaviour buy participating in all the fun activities and make it unpleasant for others. This is causing my son a lot of anxiety and for me too. I don't believe the school is disciplining the bullies in the correct manner as they seem to keep doing it and the same names come up year after year. I also feel the teachers are exasperated by my son moaning and have previously said he constantly is telling tales. Hegets a yellow cards for trivial things and feels its unfair that he is being punished and not the children constantly hassling him when he wants them off his back and they are distracting him and distressing him. Please can someone help?!
Rosie - 28-Nov-17 @ 9:31 PM
My daughter has been attacked several times since she has started st cyres in Penarth. Her head of year Mr McDonald always puts the blame on my child even tho she is attacked by 2 or more children . I was told by this teacher my daughter had caused the last fight but another teacher was actually there at the time she was attacked and told a different story . The teacher who was a witness stated that my child was trying to walk away and was followed by the two girls and attacked by them all my child did was try to defend her self. The same teacher tried to kick me out off the school for refusing to leave without my child. My daughter has been attacked at least 4 times in two years and now her younger brother is being pushed around by year 11 boys and my son is only 12 years old. I have been phoning the school since the day term started and i have been to the school to speak to someone and still 5 weeks later i have not had so much as a phone call. Today my daughter has again been hit in school and because she has fought back she again is in trouble in school but the other child as usual has no punishment what so ever as is always the case . not once has the children that have attacked my child been told off or suspended but my child gets left in a room with no lunch break whats so ever not even toilet break . Her head of year even taunts her because she has him again this year and although she should be in a higher set for English she is again in his set because he wants her in his class. since being in this school her education is suffering she has failed every moc exam .This is very difficult as a parent to watch your child loose weight become depressed and has gone from being a high achiever to failing every class.
vanessa - 2-Oct-17 @ 12:18 PM
My son is being bullied physically and ysday was blamed and banned from lunches having to come home. Today he misses Xmas dinner with friends at school. Teachers push blame on him as he has adhd and is often seen retalliating to his bully when ridiculed infront of his friends. I've lost faith in school. Will look into home schooling as school keep blaming my son and punishing him using him as scapegoat instead of admitting problem with bullying in school and getting it resolved properly
marci - 15-Dec-15 @ 12:35 PM
When a parent deems their child is being bullied and makes a report to the school it should be investigated straightaway. Unfortunately parents can be over protective of theirchildren, preferring to believe they are not capable of inappropriate behaviour themselves. The investigation which takes place is a sensitive and tricky matter to carry out as all parties must be spoken to. Without direct observations of bullying behaviour there is often a need to monitor how things go after an initial discussion has taken place with the accused and the victim. What can happen is that the bullying becomes more secretive, making it even more difficult to prove what is happening. This is a very difficult area of child care / school work - one which requires us all to be sympathetic, open and honest about.
Clare - 17-May-15 @ 3:24 PM
@nadia. Take a look at our article on Rules Surrounding Home Schooling here. For some useful links to good sites take a look at the links we suggested to @shazza2679 in the comments below that article.
LawAndParents - 3-Nov-14 @ 2:08 PM
Hello, I am considering home teaching for my kids due to different issues at their school. Please Kindly advise what steps I need to take and is there a specific academic circilum for the primary Schools that I will have to follow. Please advise where I can get all the information I need to Start this process of home schooling. Thank you. Kind regards, Nadia
Nadia - 2-Nov-14 @ 3:11 PM
Load of rubbish. Schools very rarely suspend students because it makes the school look bad. All they ever do about bullying is give a quick telling off, unless someone coloured says they are being bullied in which case they instantly go completely over the top and take the student out of lessons just to shout at them and don't even consider the fact that it is perfectly possible for coloured people to lie.
Bob - 24-Dec-12 @ 1:26 AM
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