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Cruelty to Children

By: Angela Armes - Updated: 18 Feb 2018 | comments*Discuss
Cruelty To Children Child Cruelty Child

One of the most unpleasant and difficult to understand crimes is that of cruelty to children. Many of us have children of our own and would never dream of causing them any physical or emotional harm. However, each year there are hundreds of cases of child cruelty throughout the UK.

Child Abuse

There are several forms of cruelty to children but the most common – and indeed the most difficult to understand – is child abuse, either physical or emotional. Child abuse is commonly thought of as having unlawful sexual relations or contact with a child. This is a deeply disturbing event for the sufferer, in many cases destroying their lives and leaving them feeling vulnerable and unable to maintain relationships with others around them.

Signs of Child Sex Abuse

Common tell-tale signs that a child may be suffering from abuse are:
  • Withdrawn behaviour
  • Refusal to communicate
  • Refusing to spend time in the company of adults
  • Being afraid of a particular adult
  • Truancy
  • Displaying aggressive behaviour
  • Being overly familiar with the use of sexual terms and slang

Of course, sexual abuse is not the only form a cruelty that can be inflicted upon a child. There are other forms just as unpleasant and uncalled for; they include:

  • Neglect
  • Domestic Violence
  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse


Neglect is not looking after a child’s welfare to the best of an adult’s ability. It can manifest itself as a child looking dirty or perhaps unwashed, and often they are left alone for long periods of time to look after themselves. A child suffering the effects of neglect may also appear to be hungry all the time or have lost an unusual amount of weight in a short period of time.

Domestic Violence

It is common for children living in a home where domestic violence is prominent to be the victims of such violence, too. Often when an individual is drunk or highly strung, he or she may lash out at anyone around them, and this can sometimes include the children. It is common place for children to try to defuse volatile situations between warring parents, the results of which can include bodily harm such as smacking, punching or severe bruising.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is different from sexual abuse, and can be best described as beating a child for reasons that are perhaps nothing more than trivial annoyances. Some parents, especially those under great deals of stress, can lash out at their children in moments of blind fury and can cause bruising, cuts or broken limbs as a result of their actions.

Emotional Abuse

This kind of abuse is one that many people might argue is hard to detect. An adult may shout at their child, refuse to cuddle them or praise them when they do something well. They even tell them that they are not loved or are unwanted – something that no individual adult or child wishes to be told. This can have a knock-on effect in that child’s adult life, damaging their self-esteem and confidence and making them feel as though they are inferior or incapable of finding someone to love them.

If you suspect that a child you know is the recipient of such abuses, you should first try to find out from them if there is a genuine problem. If you do find that such a problem exists, contact your local social services – the details of which you can find in any Yellow Pages or telephone directory. Alternatively, contacting the NSPCC (National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children) is also a good idea.

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terrifiedmummy - Your Question:
Looking for advice. I took my child(a baby) to the doctors as he had been coming out in purple rashes/marks and was distressed. once at the doctors he was found to have other marks which I didnt see as he had been alone with his dad that day while I was out. ive rushed him to the hospital where he was found to have serious injurys (severe rib fractures) they have then tested my other children and found one of my other children also has healed rib fractures. this child I have repetedly taken to the hospital as he has also came out in these purple rashes before and he has had to be tested for all sorts. (they have been bruises and I havent realised and neither has the hospital)obviously my kids have been taken of me and I have since left my husband. he is not admitting to anything. will I ever get my kids back? or if they cant prove who it was will they be in care for good. I cant cope without my kids.

Our Response:
It's difficult for us to comment without all the details but if your husband was the perpetrator and social services/authorities do not view you as a danger, there's a chance you could be allowed to have them back. If however, the authorities consider that in not noticing some of the injuries etc, you have been a negligent parent, then this might affect a decision. The Family Rights Group may be of help to you.
LawAndParents - 19-Feb-18 @ 11:46 AM
looking for advice. i took my child(a baby)to the doctors as he had been coming out in purple rashes/marks and was distressed. once at the doctors he was found to have other marks which i didnt see as he had been alone with his dad that day while i was out. ive rushed him to the hospital where he was found to have serious injurys (severe rib fractures) they have then tested my other children and found one of my other children also has healed rib fractures. this child i have repetedly taken to the hospital as he has also came out in these purple rashes before and he has had to be tested for all sorts. (they have been bruises and i havent realised and neither has the hospital) obviously my kids have been taken of me and i have since left my husband. he is not admitting to anything. will i ever get my kids back? or if they cant prove who it was will they be in care for good. i cant cope withoutmy kids.
terrifiedmummy - 18-Feb-18 @ 12:12 PM
junie - Your Question:
I have been in touch with the nspcc about what's happening to my grandkids, they informed social services, they phoned my daughter concerning the matter with her boyfriend, about hitting my grandson on his bare behind with a slipper. That's was on Monday, now my daughter told me that the case has been closed yesterday lunch. I rang social services yesterday morning and I told them myself what's been going on, that what nspcc told me to do on Tuesday. Social services got in touch with schools and spoke to their teachers, they said everything was fine at school, can the social services close the case that quick or is my daughter lying to me. If that us the case is there any other way of getting proof of what is happening and what's is the next step.

Our Response:
Your daughter could be lying, we really don't know sorry. There are no real set time limits within which cases should be opened and closed.
LawAndParents - 13-Oct-17 @ 12:25 PM
I have been in touch with the nspcc about what's happening to my grandkids, they informed social services, they phoned my daughter concerning the matter with her boyfriend, about hitting my grandson on his bare behind with a slipper. That's was on Monday, now my daughter told me that the case has been closed yesterday lunch. I rang social services yesterday morning and I told them myself what's been going on, that what nspcc told me to do on Tuesday. Social services got in touch with schools and spoke to their teachers, they said everything was fine at school, can the social services close the case that quick or is my daughter lying to me. If that us the case is there any other way of getting proof of what is happening and what's is the next step.
junie - 12-Oct-17 @ 8:22 AM
rumy - Your Question:
My mum slaps me and my brothers and sister. She also screams 24/7 and never stops. She makes me and my sister clean the house and cook the good where all the does is go work but when she doesn't she still does nothing. I feel like a slave. When it comes to my exams in school she still makes me do those things and I don't get much time to revise. Then she slaps me when I get bad grades. It ain't my fault. It's hers. Ever since I can remember I wanted her dead and I still do. I wish I was never born. I always thought about running away but I don't know where I would go to and I'm too afraid to as she might find me and slap me even more. I really want to tell her how I feel about her but I'm so scared that she might hit me and take everything away from me. She fights with everyone but when visitors come round she is so nice. I WANT MY MUM DEAD!! I DON'T WANT HER TO BE MY MUM. SOMEONE HELP ME plz :((((

Our Response:
You might find some useful information at Childline
LawAndParents - 20-Jun-16 @ 2:34 PM
My mum slaps me and my brothers and sister. She also screams 24/7 and never stops. She makes me and my sister clean the house and cook the good where all the does is go work but when she doesn't she still does nothing. I feel like a slave. When it comes to my exams in school she still makes me do those things and I don't get much time to revise. Then she slaps me when I get bad grades. It ain't my fault. It's hers. Ever since I can remember I wanted her dead and I still do. I wish I was never born. I always thought about running away but I don't know where I would go to and I'm too afraid to as she might find me and slap me even more. I really want to tell her how I feel about her but I'm so scared that she might hit me and take everything away from me. She fights with everyone but when visitors come round she is so nice. I WANT MY MUM DEAD!! I DON'T WANT HER TO BE MY MUM. SOMEONE HELP ME plz :((((
rumy - 19-Jun-16 @ 2:49 PM
Me and my parents fell out cos my dad started blaming me for losing a key. But i gave it to him they all started shouting at me so i kicked of bla bla bla then we all started looking for it but i still was getting the blame thenthey came to my drawer and i just flipped for some reason i said theres nothing in it and then my mum hut ne over the head four times and dad grabbed me round the colar on my jacket and when they went out i started looking in the drawer but when he cane in i had finished and then i put my hand in my pockets but i never had anything and they said what do i have they saw something but i never had anything and i threatened to call the police they still wont believe me and this has been going on tge past hour. I ran down stairs grabbed my shoes and ran out the back climbed over the fence and ran off for bout 30-45 mins and yet they still dont believe me
Megan - 16-Jul-15 @ 3:52 PM
There is a court order put in place for my 3 1/2 year old son.At 7mths old, his father left and has suffered with irregular contact with his father. My son's paternal grandparents have an order, for one over night access when their son isn't in the country. But even before the orders were put in place, no one was interested in how it was effecting my son. Whenever my son came back to me, he was emotionally distressed. diahorreah in his nappy, crying constantly. permanantly attached to me. wouldn't eat, youcould just see how much it effected him. Just before he turned 3. his dad started a new job abroad and doesn't have regular contact with him. never calls and doesn't see him for months until His dad randomly texts to say he's back in the country and would like to have him on his weekend. He changed the contact place from his parents to his girlfriends without me knowing which caused distress on our son. My son has been showing more signs of distress since his father started his new job. Hadn't started talking til just before turning 3. But he Wets himself, soiling himself, won't sleep in his own bed. He's even started to come out with this imaginary friend. he wants to stay by my side, even when i go toilet. he refuses to eat. He even lashes out at his younger half brother and pushes him away from me. Even refuses him as a brother. Hits my husband and refuses to go near him. Just wants me... The signs are never ending. And this is what happens after he is returned to me!!! He calms down after a few days to a week. His grandparents do not keep to his routine.He doen't wear the clothes i pack for him. He is being passed around to one place and then the other. My child is emotionally distressed!!!! The courts ignored that, his father thinks i'm lying, i have got health visitors, doctors and even tried social care, but nothing can be done.Even have a TAC meeting to try and help. but nothing!!!My ex isn;t in the country!!! He is a non uk resisident now and he scrapped the court order. don't care how it effects our child. I don't know what to do. i cant afford a solicitor, nor can i rely on them. What else am i suppose to do, especially when my other son who is younger is getting effected by it too???
Anonymous1 - 11-Jun-12 @ 4:51 AM
Cruelty towards children is increasing in this modern era. Sadly in Asia many children are being murdered just after abused which easily gives a picture how people are living in the third world countries. In Bangladesh, usually in the lower income families where all live together, many of the minor girls were raped and later their decomposed bodies were found. Most of them were killed by the know people. It is indeed sad. I strongly oppose death penalty but child abusers should be hanged in public.
Amaru - 13-Nov-11 @ 10:00 PM
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