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Single Parents' Rights

By: Angela Armes - Updated: 9 Jun 2021 | comments*Discuss
Single Parents' Rights Single Parents

It is not uncommon these days to find parents bringing up children alone as a result of divorce or simply because the parent has no partner to speak of. But it is important to understand what rights you as a single parent have and how you should exercise them.

What Constitutes a Single Parent?

A single parent is a parent who lives alone with their children and is responsible for their day-to-day upbringing and wellbeing. As such, they are entitled to help and assistance from the local authority, if required, as well as financial assistance from the other parent.

Helping with Expenses

If a mother lives alone with her children, then the father of these children is responsible, in the eyes of the law, for contributing to their clothing, footwear and educational expenses. He may choose to come to an understanding with his partner to pay a regular amount for the upkeep of the children without having to resort to legal proceedings.

A father may deem it appropriate to ensure that his children are also living in a home that is – in his own estimation – fit for them and may contribute to the paying of a mortgage and/or rent.

Such agreements are best made without the influence of courts or government agencies, but it is wise to seek some written agreement in addition to a verbal in case a dispute leads to court proceedings being filed.

Visiting the Children

The law states quite clearly that each parent has the right to see his or her children after a split has occurred. The only circumstances that may prevent this is if there is a legitimate concern that the parent may try to remove the children to a location where they can't be found.

If there is a genuine concern that this may take place, the court will order that visiting is carried out at a place where others can be present to supervise.

Applying for Custody

A single parent – especially if he or she does not live with their children – has the right by law to Apply For Custody Of The Children. However, this is normally awarded to the mother unless there are firm grounds that the mother is not considered to be fit to take care of the children.

You should note that custody hearings may take considerable time to arrange and there will be required visits from the Family Proceedings Court to assess how the children are carried for.

Child Care and Benefits

Being a single parent can be an expensive and demanding task and there are provisions made for assistance with childcare. It is normal to find that single parents work during the week and need to call upon a childminder for support, so your local authority will have a list of registered childminders from which you can choose.

Also as a single parent – especially on a low income – you can apply for Child Benefit And Working Tax Credit (previously known as the Working Families Tax Credit). You may also be eligible for a reduction in the amount of Council Tax you have to pay, but not all of these benefits are available to all single parents.

You should contact your local authority for more details. You can find details of Working Tax Credits on Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs' website at www.hmrc.gov.uk.

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so the baby daddy hasn't been in his sons life for nearly a year and now that his back in Ireland he wants me to drop the baby or collect the baby from him,I feel like I shouldn't do it , because as a dad he should understand that if he picks him up he has to drop him off too , I just want to know if that's what he has to do before I say anything.
Laura - 9-Jun-21 @ 11:55 AM
My son has been raising his two sons aged 2 & 3 for nearly two years on his own their mother barely saw them for the first year and a half now she said she wants full custody surely this can't be right where does my son stand?
Dawnie - 13-Apr-21 @ 10:15 PM
iam a single parent dad I've recently had my son taken from me by social services for a small mark on my sons shoulder after he ran out in front of car I grabbed him just instinct but it was accidental hospital couldn't say wether or not it was now ive got them making things up to take him all togethermy parenting and his emotional state which have all been fine till they come in now I need some advice on what my rights are as this has got me right down on the the bottom now iam suffering with depression anxiety and never suffered with these before as iam being treated like Iam some one who harms kids and more
pev - 22-Mar-21 @ 11:08 AM
What rights does a mom have if the kids live with there dad
Rip - 19-Feb-21 @ 7:10 PM
I am not with my baby’s father. My child is 3 month old. How often should I allow my baby to go to his dads?
T1234 - 29-Jan-21 @ 7:10 PM
Hello I wanted to get some advice. I have come to my parents home from my awful marriage it's nearly a year. My ex wife has my child and refuses to send me images. What can I do? I really miss my child Kindest
Ra - 25-Dec-20 @ 7:37 PM
Hello and good evening, Financial obligations after break up with a mother of children that are not mine biologically... What are the legal requirements for me to support her and the children that do not belong to me? I hear it's a year and then once we part ways, she can legally shaft me then? I need some guidance with the situation please and thank you.
Richard - 30-Sep-20 @ 8:35 PM
my son and i were kicked out by my partner and we had to go to my parents house. he kept all my bank cards and our passports and he didnt even let me take my clothes. hes also been taking benefits on our behalf. would he be able to take our son away from me further down the line? and what would be the best advice for the next step?
young mum - 19-Aug-20 @ 3:26 PM
Hi, I'm a father of a 3 year old, in order to even be able to see her i had to spend thousands through court and had to fight my corner against appaulling lies and allegations made against me by her mother. Fortunately I managed to voice record her on a number of occaisions admitting to lying to her friends, family and the court of law about the allegations and they were then overturned but I did not press charges. My question is, why is the law so in the mothers favour still yet men and women in modern day society are now seen as having equal rights? A child needs a father just as much as they need their mother but the courts immediately give everything to the mother to decide when and how a father can see their child! Why is it viewed that its acceptable for a child to only be allowed to see their own father once a week if they are lucky? Not really in the child's best interest is it? Surely mothers understand that this is why children grow up to resent them for keeping them away from their fathers their whole lives?
Jaldo - 18-May-20 @ 1:25 PM
Hi, I'm a father of a 3 year old, in order to even be able to see her i had to spend thousands through court and had to fight my corner against appaulling lies and allegations made against me by her mother. Fortunately I managed to voice record her on a number of occaisions admitting to lying to her friends, family and the court of law about the allegations and they were then overturned but I did not press charges. My question is, why is the law so in the mothers favour still yet men and women in modern day society are now seen as having equal rights? A child needs a father just as much as they need their mother but the courts immediately give everything to the mother to decide when and how a father can see their child! Why is it viewed that its acceptable for a child to only be allowed to see their own father once a week if they are lucky? Not really in the child's best interest is it? Surely mothers understand that this is why children grow up to resent them for keeping them away from their fathers their whole lives?
Jaldo - 18-May-20 @ 12:14 PM
Hi just after some advice. As a separated parent my child's school are refusing to give me a separate parents evening meeting As they say " it's not school policy ".They say that it is in the child's best interest for both parents to attend together.I strongly disagree with this and find the statement a massive sweeping assumption. I have pressed them on the matter but they continue to stick to there policy .I find this tantamount to discrimination .any ideas on how I can peruse this further ?
Cd - 13-Nov-19 @ 2:14 PM
I have a 3 year old the father was paying csa n now has stoped it bec he wants dna test which i dont mind doing bec i know he the father i havent slept with any other and he has decided also to contact social services as he thinks im talking to to be people with crimiel offences n thats not allowed near children again which im not doing nursery are happy with my son ip brining any advice what i can do i have blocked of my emails n told him from now i want things in writing n just want to know what my options are n he hasnt been involed with our son since birth
Belle - 25-Aug-19 @ 10:50 PM
This assumes single parent mothers What about single parent fathers?
Carl - 13-Jun-19 @ 5:23 PM
My daughters dad has our daughter every other weekend. He lives a distance 80 miles round trip from her at his parents. I've come to the compromise of meeting half way between his house and my house.... he refuses to do this as he wants me to do that round trip. When he has her he has full responsibility of her yes? To bring her to me at the half way point or all the way home or take her to school.... am I correct here?
Taria - 9-Jun-19 @ 1:21 PM
Does the father of my baby (we are no longer a couple) have the right to demand looking round my parents house where I live with my baby. I'm only 18 and have always lived at home and not with ex boyfriend
Phoenix - 12-May-19 @ 9:51 PM
I split with my parter with who I have a daughter. Since I left the home , I paid to her some money to look after my daughter as a child maintenance. But despite doing that she doesn’t want me to visit or to pick my daughter up weekends. I look after too my daughter as much I can. From sometime TIL now she doesn’t want me to see my daughter even to help her regarding her homework. Whatever happens between she and me , she let my daughter pay for that. So help me what’s should do to see my sweetheart. I even contact my daughter school to get involve. But the situation still same.
Farlo - 9-Feb-19 @ 5:06 PM
I am single mum who lost her partner (boys dad) and the in-laws have made my life hell and his nan has a new boyfriend who I don't know or trust but they keep blackmailing me into letting my boy see him and they don't like it because I won't let it happen. I need help to know what I can do about
Squeaky - 17-Sep-18 @ 1:20 PM
I am a single mother and currently am living in Azerbaijan. The father of my child is British and has chosen to let our baby keep his last name. However, he has decided to leave us and never speak or see us again. He refuses to help us financially and says that I should work and earn the money myself. I am not able to work at the moment due to having to look after they baby. Is there anything I can do?
J - 28-Aug-18 @ 11:36 PM
SA - Your Question:
I am a single mother to a 5yr old boy who hardly see his father maybe 2-3 times a month. I was planning to leave the country for a few months tho study abroad and would like to know my rights as I have found out from friends that his father is trying to stop us from leaving the country and getting coustdy , im concerned as his father doesn’t help to support our son and I’m afraid he will take my son away

Our Response:
Your husband can apply to the courts for a prohibited steps order to prevent you taking your son abroad for more than two weeks. It will be up to a judge to decide whether or not to grant this order. The amount o maintenance the father pays will not have any bearing on this decision.
LawAndParents - 29-Jun-18 @ 3:35 PM
I am a single mother to a 5yr old boy who hardly see his father maybe 2-3 times a month. I was planning to leave the country for a few months tho study abroad and would like to know my rights as I have found out from friends that his father is trying to stop us from leaving the country and getting coustdy , im concerned as his father doesn’t help to support our son and I’m afraid he will take my son away
SA - 28-Jun-18 @ 9:49 AM
My son is always getting let down by his dad and when his dad does have him my son stays with someone else rather than with his dad. His dad has a history of drug and alcohol abuse. My son used to look forward to seeing his dad however now he would rather stay with me as his dad doesn't do anything with him. I currently sont work but I want to go for full custody. I'm happy for his dad to have a few hours visitation a week but not overnight stays but he won't after to this. How do I go for full custody when on a low income?
Dhug - 24-Jun-18 @ 9:47 PM
Hiya me and my husband have been split since November.. he sees the children 2 hours a week and refuses to help with childcare.. which means i cant work.. can he refuse to help with this. I also have stated to him that i want more time for the girls..which he refuses.. what arw my best options
Vix - 19-Jun-18 @ 2:56 PM
hi I spilt with my ex partner a few week back, he was the one that was earing the money and he was getting housing benefit and child tax credit, but he cancelled that after he left about three weeks ago , I don't work and i am still waiting to hear about the child tax credit and housing benefit ,so basic i am living of my mum giving me money and my ex partner is still help me out intill this comes though, the job centre is trying to make me get a 16 hours job a week but my youngest daughter is not coping with her dad not around as much any more, so I don't want to get a job atm, DO I HAVE TO FIND A JOB? and what im a intitled too?
suzie - 11-Jun-18 @ 6:30 PM
Rosie25 - Your Question:
Hi, I’ve split with my partner a few months ago but he’s now getting difficult over money. We had a deed of trust in place but he now wants more - I gave up my job to look after his children. Can this not be taken in to account when discussing money? I didn’t earn because of that? They are young and I did everything whilst he worked. We shared bills/mortgages.

Our Response:
This is often taken into account if you take it to court. Try mediation first to try and arrive at sensible agreement for finance and for child arrangements.
LawAndParents - 18-May-18 @ 3:07 PM
Hi, I’ve split with my partner a few months ago but he’s now getting difficult over money. We had a deed of trust in place but he now wants more - I gave up my job to look after his children. Can this not be taken in to account when discussing money? I didn’t earn because of that? They are young and I did everything whilst he worked. We shared bills/mortgages.
Rosie25 - 17-May-18 @ 11:30 PM
GQ- Your Question:
If you don’t live with the child’s father and you are claiming benefits and receive benefits as a single parent, does him putting money into your acc and you transferring to him , affect your benefit claim in anyway?

Our Response:
Why would you do this? Sorry it's really not clear what you're considering or what your question is.
LawAndParents - 13-Apr-18 @ 2:30 PM
If you don’t live with the child’s father and you are claiming benefits and receive benefits as a single parent, does him putting money into your acc and you transferring to him , affect your benefit claim in anyway?
GQ - 12-Apr-18 @ 2:20 AM
Jtl - Your Question:
I have a 10 month old with my ex, he currently has supervised visits with our son with a family member present. He is verbally abussive to me so I recently left him with my son and family member without me. He is now complaining he doesn’t like it. Am I doing the right thing? He name calls and be little me regularly, so I am trying to let him see his son without having to face him.

Our Response:
You don't have to be present, in fact contact without you around might help him develop a better bond with his son. You shouldn't have to be subjected to any abuse because of this.
LawAndParents - 6-Mar-18 @ 11:40 AM
I have a 10 month old with my ex, he currently has supervised visits with our son with a family member present. He is verbally abussive to me so I recently left him with my son and family member without me. He is now complaining he doesn’t like it. Am I doing the right thing? He name calls and be little me regularly, so I am trying to let him see his son without having to face him.
Jtl - 3-Mar-18 @ 4:30 PM
DK - Your Question:
If the child's father has been in the Childs life for all his life in and out, but never been stopped visiting rights. But had never paid more than £600 in maintenance in 18 years. Do I have as a single mum for this 18 years struggling and about to lose our family home, Do I have rights to backdate a claim for maintainance To Help save his sounds home. He has Two business , he's married now also.any advicw would be appreciated.thanks

Our Response:
Unless you have already made a child maintenance claim (officially) in the past, you can make one retrospectively unfortunately.
LawAndParents - 2-Feb-18 @ 2:48 PM
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